1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman


Home-made Beverages.

juice of4lemons into a jar with 2quarts of good brandy, cover closely and infuse for 5 days. Strain, add half a small teaspoonful of grated nutmeg and 3 pints of sherry. Filter into bottles, and cork and seal them securely. Caf^ au Lait. Roast and grind the coffee, if possible, just beforeitisrequired. Toevery pintof water allow 3 oz. of coffee, place the latter in a fine muslin bag, then in a heated jug, pour over the boiling water, then cover the jug, and place it in a saucepan of boiling waterfor five minutes. Then pour into cups, add an equal quantity of boiling milk, and sweeten to taste. Caf6 Noir. AUow two gillsof freshlyground coffee toevery four gills of boiling water. Make according to the directions given above, and serve in small cups. Capillaire. Boil3pints of water and 3pounds of pure cane sugar together for twenty minutes, removing the scum as it rises, then add a few drops of vanilla essence and a gill of orange-flower water. Strain through a jelly bag, pour into bottles, and cork and seal them securely. When re quired, dilute with plain or aerated water, and if liked add a little wine or spirit or some slices of fruit. Caraway Cordial. Infuse 1 oz. carraway seeds, and 2 oz. each of ginger and sugar in a quart of brandy for ten days, then filter and store in airtight bottles. Cassis. Strip and bruiseoneanda half poundsof sound ripe black currants, put them into a jar, add 4 oz. raspberries, an inch of bruised cinnamon, 2 cloves,2quarts of good unsweetened gin and 1 lb. pure cane sugar. Cover the jar, and infuse for 6 weeks, then filter into bottles and cork and seal them securely. Caudle (No. 1). Take a pint of oatmeal gruel, sweeten it to taste, add a pinch of grated ginger, a glass of ]iort, and the yolk of two eggs, and servo hot.

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