1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman


Home-made Beverages.

a little of the cold liquid, add the remainder boiling, pour into a saucepan, bring to boiling point and serve. Cocoa, Iced. Mix four table-spoonfuls of cocoa smoothly with a little cold milk, add a quart of boiling milk,pour into a pan,and bring to boiling point, then sweeten to taste,ice, and serve with a tea- spoonful of whipped and sweetened cream in each cup. Coffee. Allow a heaped up table-spoonful of freshly ground cofiee to every half-pint of water. If a cafetiere is not at hand follow the instructions given in the recipe for Cai& au Lait, and when ready, pour into a heated cofiee pot. Coffee, Burnt. Sweeten some very strong cofiee to taste, pour it into small cups, place a teaspoonful of brandy in each, set fire to it, and when the spirit is partly consumed, blow out the flame and drink the cofiee at once. Coffee, Iced. To a quart of very strong cofiee, add a wine- glassful of maraschino or brandy, and 3 oz. of castor sugar. Embed the jug in ice for three hours, and serve whipped and iced cream with the cofiee. Coffee Liqueur. Put a pound of cane brown sugar and half a pint of water into a pap, for five minutes, skimming well, then add t36 freshly roasted cofiee berries, and let them infuse by the side of the fire for 10 minutes. Pour the syrup and berries into a jar, add a quart of good brandy, cover and infuse for a month,shaking the bottle daily,then filter and bottle. Coltsfoot Wine. Boil six gallons of water, 12 lb. pure cane sugar, and the strained juice of six lemons together for half an hour, removing the scum asit rises, then pour it on to one and a half pecks of freshly gathered coltsfoot flowers, 5 lb. of stoned and chopped Malaga raisins and the

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