1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman

24 Home-made Beverages. a lemon, an inch of bruised cinnamon, 4 cloves and a quart of good whisky into a jar, cover closely, and infuse for a month, then filter and bottle. Crcmc d'Absinthe. Put 2 oz. of wormwood flower shoots into a jar, add J oz. bruised cinnamon, 4 cloves, 1 lb. crushed sugar candy, and 3 quarts of pure rectified spirits of wine. Cover the jar, and infuse for a fortnight, then filter, add one or two drops of green colouring if necessary, pour into bottles and cork and sealthem securely. Crcmc dc Citron. Boil 12 oz.pure cane sugar and a pint of water together for 5 minutes, skim, and when cold add 3 pints of pure rectified spirits of wine,60 dropsof oilof citron,and a little yellowcolouring. Filter into bottles and cork and seal them securely. Cr£me de GiroH^. Boil 12 oz. pure cane sugar and a pint of water together for 5 minutes, skim, and when cold add 3 pints of pure rectified spirits of wine, 42 drops of oil of cloves, and 2 or 3 drops of cochineal. Strain through filtering paper and store in airtight bottles. Creme dc Mcnthc. Put 24 sprigs of fresh young mint into a jar, add the strained juice of two lemons, 6 oz. crushed sugar candy, and a quart of brandy. Infuse for a fortnight, then filter and bottle. Crcmc d'Oranges. Slice 6 large juicy oranges(removing the pips) and put them into a jar with 3 pints of good brandy, half a pint of orange flower water, and 1 lb. of crushed sugar candy. Cover the jar closely and infuse for three weeks,then strain through filtering paper, add a little yellow colourmg, and store in airtight bottles. Creme de Vanille. Break two vanilla pods into small pieces and put them into a jar with 3 pints of brandy, }lb. of crushed sugar candy,and a pint of water. Infuse for a fortnight, then filter into bottles and cork and seal them securely.

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