1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman

Home-made Beverages.


Hops and Sherry Cordial. Fillsomewide-mouthed glass bottles with hops, cover them with sherry, cork the bottles tightly, and infuse for a month, then strain. Boil a pint of water, and 2 lb. of cane sugar together for ten minutes, skim, and when cold, sweeten the sherry to taste with the syrup, pour into bottles and cork and seal them securely. Hop Tea. Put 3 oz. of hops into a jug with a quart of- boiling water, cover over and leave until cold, then strain and bottlefor use. This is considered to be an excellent tonic, and is sometimes taken as a remedy for dyspepsia. Hyssop Tea. Pour a pint of boiling water over a quarter of an ounce of dried hyssop flowers, cover the jug and let it stand for 15 minutes, then strain and sweeten to taste with honey. Imperial Liqueur. Peel and bruise a small ripe pineapple, and put itinto a preserving pan with 10 ripe magnum bonum plums, and 8 jargonelle pears cut into quarters. Add 3 pounds of cane sugar and a pint and a half of water to every two pounds of fruit,and boil together for 45 minutes,removing the scum as it rises. When cold, add a bottle of hock and a gill of brandy, and infuse in a covered jar for six weeks, then strain through a jelly bag and store in tightly corked and sealed bottles. Imperial Water. Put a quarter of an ounce of cream of tartar into a heated jug with 2oz.loaf sugar previously rubbed onto the rinds of two large fresh lemons. Add a pint and a half of boiling water, cover the jug and let it stand near the fire for an hour, stirring occasionally. When cold, strain and Italian Liqueur. Infuse 20 grains of cinnamon, 5 grains of vanilla and 5 of cloves, in 2 drachms of spirits of wine for a fortnight in a tightly corked bottle, then add a gill of rose water, and 12 oz. crushed sugar candy dissolved in half a pint of water. serve.

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