1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman

50 Home-made Beverages. isinglass and a quart of brandy, bung the cask tightly and leave for twelve months before bottling. Mulled Wine. Boil6 cloves, a quarter of an ounce of bruised cinnamon, a little grated nutmeg and the thinly pared rind of half a lemon in half a pint of water for ten minutes, then strain, add one and a half pints of wine(usually port or claret) and sugar to taste, bring nearly to boiling point and serve with wine biscuits or thin sippets of dry toast. Nectar (No. 1). Rub half a pound of loaf sugar on the rind of a lemon, and put it into an earthenware jar, pour over it 2 quarts of boiling water and when cold add the strained juice of the lemons, and 4 oz. of stoned and chopped raisins. Cover over and let it stand for a week, stirring two or three times daily. Strain through a jelly bag until clear, and either use at once or store in bottles for a few days. Nectar (No. 2). Put a pound of stoned and chopped raisins into a jar,add the thinly pared rind and strained juice of twolemons and a gallon of boiling water. Stir frequentlytill cold,then add a quart of rum, cover the jar and infuse for a week, shaking occasionally. Press through a sieve, and leave the liquid for a week to settle, then filter and bottle. Nectarine Brandy. See Recipefor Peach Brandy. Nectarine Cordial. See recipe for Apricot Cordial. Nectarine Gin. See recipe for Apricot Gin. Nectarine Noyeau. Blanch 4 oz. of nectarine kernels, pound them in a mortar and put them into a quart bottle. Fill up with good brandy, then cork tightly and infuse in a warm place for 4 days, shaking frequently. Crush 12 oz. of sugar candy to a fine powder,and stir it into the strained brandy. When dissolved, filter and bottle.

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