1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman


Home-made Beverages.

Orange-Flower Syrup. Put 2 oz. of freshly picked orange flowers into a jug, pour in a pint of boiling water,cover over and leave until cold. Place in a preserving pan with a pound of pure cane sugar and boil for 10 minutes, then strain and when cold add a gUl of brandy and bottle for use. When re quired, dilute with plain or aerated water. Orange-Flower Tea. Infuse 2 oz. of orange flowers in a pint^of boiling water for five or ten minutes,then strain and sweeten to taste. Orgeat Syrup. Blanch and pound 4 oz. of sweet almonds^and an ounce of bitter almonds with a few drops of orange-flower water. Add gradually a pint of cold water, a pound and a quarter of castor sugar, half a teaspoonful of lemon essence, and a large table-spoonful of orange-flower water. Leave in a warm place for6 hours,then boil for 15 minutes,strain (pressing the almonds well to extract aU the milk) and bottle for use. When required, dilute with cold water. Parsnip Wine. Clean and slice 8 pounds of sound parsnips and boil them till soft in 2 gallons of water, then strain and add half an ounce of crude tartar and 3 pounds of cane sugar to every gaUon. When lukewarm,put in a piece of toast spread with yeast, cover over and leave for 4 days in a warm place,then strain into a cask, and bung closely when it has ceased working. Bottle in six months' time. Peach Brandy. Slice 8 ripe peaches and put them into a jar - with a quart of good brandy, 8 oz. crushed sugar candy, and the bruised kernels. Cover the jar closelji, and infuse for 6 weeks, shaking the jar daily, then strain and bottle. Peach Noyeau. (No. I.) Take 8 oz. of young peach leaves gathered in dry weather. Pick them carefully, rejecting any blighted ones, place them in a jar with 2 quarts of good whisky and a pound of crushed sugar candy, infuse for three days, then filter and bottle.

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