1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman

Home-made Beverages. 75 an hour, skimming when necessary, then pour it into a tub containing 20 lb. of stoned and chopped Malaga raisins, and one and ahalf pecks of fresh green sage leaves roughly shredded. Cover the tub, and leave for two days, stirring occasionally, then strain through a sieve and press the fruit and leaves well to extract all the juice, and next day draw ofiE the clear liquid into a cask, being careful not to disturb the sediment. Filter the lees, and put them into the cask with the thinly pared rind and strained juice of 2 Seville oranges and 3 lemons. Leave the cask open and keep it well filled up while the wine is working, and when the fermentation is quite ended add a pint of brandy and an ounce of isinglass dissolved in a little of the wine. Bung the cask tightly, and bottle ofi in 12 months'time. Sangaree. (No 1.) Rub5oz.of loaf sugar on the rind of 3lemons, crush it, add a wineglassful of lemon juice, a bottle of Madeira, half a pint of good old Jamaica rum, and one and a half pints of water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, and leave on ice till required. Sangaree. (No. 2.) Put3 pints of brandy into a jar with 3 gills of cherry brandy and one and a half lb. of crushed sugar candy. Add one and a half pints of Madeira, half a gill of lemon juice,6 oz. of ripe sliced medlars, J oz. blanched and pounded bitter almonds, 1 oz. blanched and pounded pistachio nuts, 2 oz. sliced candied peel, J oz. each of grated nutmeg, Jamaica pepper, pow dered cinnamon, and pounded cloves, 1 oz. of sliced preserved ginger, and half an ounce of gum arable dissolved. Cork and seal the jar tightly, and place it in a pot of hot water on the stove for 8 hours, then keep in a warm room for 6 weeks longer. Leave for 12 months, then filter and bottle, and in 6 months' time it will be ready for use. Shandy Gaff. Take equal quantities of ginger beer and ale, add a few pieces of ice and serve.

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