1922 Home-Made Beverages and American Drinks by M E Steedman

Home-made Beverages.


Strawberry Water. Mash a pound of strawberries, and mix with them 8 oz. castor sugar and half a pint of water. Let them stand for 3 hours, then rub through a sieve and filter till clear. Add the strained juice of a lemon and a pint of cold water and serve. Strawberry Whisky. See recipe for Mttlheyry "Whisky. Strawberry Wine. Bruise 6 gallons of ripe sound strawberries, and put them into a tub with the same quantity of water. Steep for 24 hours, then strain into a cask, add 4 gallons of cider, 2 oz. of powdered red tartar, the thinly pared rind of two lemons, ^d 16 lb. ofcanesugar. When thefermentation is over add a quart of good brandy, and an ounce of dissolved isinglass, bung the cask tightly and leave for a year before bottling. Tamarind Water. Mix half a pint of water and a gill of tamarind juice together,add sugar to taste and serve. Tea. Heat the teapot, and allow from one to one and a half teaspoonfuls of tea for every two cups, according to the strength required. Pour on freshly boiled water, let the teapot stand by the side of the fire for three or four minutes, stirring the tea once or twice, then strain into a heated teapot, and use. Tea, Iced. Make a quart of rather strong tea in the usual way, strain, sweeten to taste, and when cold add half a pint of cream, embed the jug in ice for four hours before using. Tea, Russian. Make some tea in the usual way, strain, add sugar and lemon juice to taste, and serve hot, cold, or iced. In the latter case, a thin slice of lemon and a small piece of ice should be served in each cup. Toddy. Put the thinly pared rind of 2 lemons into a bowl with 4 oz. sugar, and a pint of boiling

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