1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
APPLE BRANDY Take seven gallons of water and boil one- half, putting the other into a barrel; add the boiling water to the cold, with one-half gallon of molasses and a little yeast. Keep the bung-hole open until fermentation ceases. OLD APPLE BRANDY One gallon of neutral spirits, one-half cup of decoction of tea, one and one-half pints of alcoholic solution of starch, one- eighth ounce of sulphuric acid. This is fla- vored with one-fourth ounce of the oil of apples. Color with one ounce of sugar col- oring. BLACKBERRY BRANDY One-quarter pound essence of blackberry, one quart blackberry juice, one-quarter pound of gum arabic, one small barrel pure spirits. CARAWAY BRANDY Steep one ounce of caraway-seed and six ounces of loaf sugar with one quart of brandy. Let it stand nine days and then draw off. Ill
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