1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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of sugar. Boil and add one tablespoon of allspice, one tablespoon of cloves. Cook till thick. When nearly cold add one quart of whiskey or brandy. Bottle and seal. BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, NO. 2 To one gallon of blackberry juice add four pounds of white sugar; boil and skim off. Then add one ounce of cloves, one ounce of cinnamon, ten grated nutmegs, and boil down till quite rich. Then let it cool and settle. Afterward drain off, and add one pint of good brandy or whiskey. CARAWAY CORDIAL Take one teaspoonful of oil of caraway, four drops of cassia-lignea oil, one drop of essence of orange peel, one drop of essence of lemon, five quarts and a gill of spirits, one and three-fourths pounds of loaf sugar. Make it up and fine it down. CARAWAY CORDIAL, NO. 2 Take one gallon fifty per cent, spirit, one-eighth ounce oil of caraway, which you dissolve in ninety-five per cent, spirit, one pound sugar, one pound water. Dissolve your sugar in the water ; mix, stir, and filter. 122
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