1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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bag and afterward through blotting-paper before you bottle it.
LEMON CORDIAL, NO. 2 Take one pound of dried lemon peel, two and one-quarter gallons proof spirit, one quart water. Draw off two gallons by a gentle fire, and dulcify with fine sugar. LIME JUICE CORDIAL Lime juice cordial that will keep good for any length of time may be made as follows six pounds sugar, four pints water, four ounces citric acid, one-half ounce boric acid. Dissolve by the aid of a gentle heat, and when cold add sixty ounces refined lime juice, four ounces tincture of lemon peel, water to make up two gallons. LOVAGE CORDIAL Take two-thirds ounce of the fresh roots of lovage, two-thirds ounce of valerian, two- thirds ounce of celery, two-thirds ounce of sweet fennel, one-sixth ounce of essential oil of caraway, one-sixth ounce of savin, two- thirds of a cup spirit of wine, two gallons proof spirit, two pounds of loaf sugar. Steep the roots and seeds in the spirits for four- teen days ; then dissolve the oils in the spirit 128
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