1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
Ik^mt JWaJe WLimu PEPPERMINT CORDIAL, NO. 1 Take one gallon and a gill of rectified spirits, one pound of loaf sugar, one table- spoonful of wine, oil of peppermint to taste, water, as much as will fill the cask, which should be set upon end after the whole has been well roused, and a cock for drawing off placed in it. PEPPERMINT CORDIAL, NO. 2 One gallon of rectified spirits, one in five under hydrometer proof, one pound of loaf sugar, one tablespoonful of spirits of wine, one and one-third pennyweights of oil of peppermint, and as much water as will fill up the cask, which should be set on end. QUINCE CORDIAL Pare your quinces, and scrape them to the core. Put all the scrapings into a tureen, and see that there are no seeds among them. Let the scrapings remain covered in the tureen for two days; then put them into a linen bag and squeeze out all the juice. Measure it and mix it with an equal quantity of white brandy. To each pint of the mix- ture add one-half pound of loaf sugar and 130
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