1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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Afterward strain it and
it stand five weeks.
bottle for use.
STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY COR- DIAL Sugar down the berries overnight, using more sugar than you would for the table, about half as much again. In the morning lay them in a hair sieve over the basin ; let them remain until evening, so as to thor- oughly drain. Then put the juice in a thick flannel bag ; let it drain all night, being care- ful not to squeeze it, as that takes out the brightness and clearness. All this should be done in a cool cellar, or it will be apt to sour. Add brandy in the proportion of one-third the quantity of juice, and as much more sugar as the taste demands. Bottle it tightly. It will keep six or eight years, and is better at last than at first. WHISKEY CORDIAL Take one ounce of cinnamon, one ounce of ginger, one ounce of coriander seed, one-half ounce of mace, one-half ounce of cloves, one- half ounce of cubebs. Add three gallons of proof spirit and two and one-half quarts of water, and distill. Now tie up one and one- third ounces of English saffron, one pound 1^9
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