1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright


Take three gallons of red ratafia, one- quarter ounce of cassia-oil, and an equal quantity of the oil of caraway seeds. Dis- solve in a little spirit of wine, and make up with orange wine so as to fill up the jug. Sweeten, if wanted, by adding a small lump of sugar in the glass. NOYAU Take one and one-half gallons of French brandy, one in five, six ounces of the best French prune's, two ounces of celery, three ounces of the kernels of apricots, nectarines, and peaches, and one ounce of bitter almonds, all gently bruised, two pennyweights of es- sence of orange peel, two pennyweights of essence of lemon peel, one and one-half pounds of loaf sugar. Let the whole stand ten days or a fortnight. Then draw off, and add to the clear noyau as much rose-water as will make up to two gallons. RATAFIA This is a liquor prepared from different kinds of fruits, and is of different colors, ac- cording to the fruits made use of. These fruits should be gathered when in their great- est perfection, and the largest and most 142

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