1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright

j^omt JWaifir Wilmu RATAFIA DE THURO D'ORANGES Take two pounds of fresh flowers of orange-tree, one gallon proof spirit, one and one-half pounds of sugar. Digest for six hours. RATAFIA A LA VIOLETTE Take two drams Florentine orris root, one ounce archel, four pints spirit of wine. Di- gest, strain, and add four pounds sugar. USQUEBAUGH, NO. 1 Usquebaugh is a strong compound liquor, chiefly taken by the dram. It is made in the highest perfection at Drogheda, in Ire- land. The following are the ingrtedients Take two quarts of best brandy, one-half pound raisins, stoned, one-half ounce nut- megs, one-half ounce cardamoms, one-quar- ter ounce saffron, rind of one-half Seville orange, one-half pound brown sugar candy. Shake these well every day for at least four- teen days, and it will at the expiration of that time be ready to be fined for use. USQUEBAUGH, NO. 2 Take one ounce of nutmegs, one ounce of cloves, one ounce of cinnamon, two ounces of the seed of anise, two ounces of the seed 147

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