1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright

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crust, in three or four days. Then draw off the fluid into another vessel, and to every gallon add one pound of sugcir. Mix well, and put into a cask, to work for a week or ten days, and throw off any remaining lees, keeping the cask well filled, particularly at the commencement. When the working has ceased, bung it down ; after six to twelve months, it may be bottled. FINE BRANDY SHRUB Take one ounce of citric acid, one pint of porter, one and one-half pints of raisin wine, one gill of orange-flower water, one gallon of good brandy, two and one-quarter quarts of water. First, dissolve the citric acid in the water, then add to it the brandy; next, mix the raisin wine, porter, and orange- flower water together; and lastly, mix the whole, and in a week or ten days it will be ready for drinking and of a very mellow flavor. AMERICAN CHAMPAGNE Seven quarts good cider (crab-apple cider fourth-proof brandy, one quart genuine champagne wine, one quart milk, one-half ounce of bitartrate of potassa. Mix and let stand a short time; 24 is the best), one pint best

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