1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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bottle for use. The sulphite should first be dissolved in a quart or so of cider before introducing it into the barrel of cider. S. When fermentation commences in one barrel, draw off the liquor into another one, strain- ing through a flannel cloth. Put into the cider three-quarters of an ounce of the oil of sassafras, and the same of the oil of win- ter green, well shaken up in a pint of alco- hol. But one difficulty is said to pertain to this preparation of cider. It is so palatable that people won't keep it long. CIDER CHAMPAGNE Five gallons good cider, one quart spirit, one and one-quarter pounds honey or sugar. Mix, and let them rest for a fortnight, then fine with one gill of skimmed milk. This, put up in champagne bottles, silvered, and labelled, has often been sold for champagne. It opens very sparkling. CHERRY CIDER Seven gallons of apple cider, two quarts of dried black cherries, one pint of dried blueberries, one-half pint of elderberries, eighteen pounds of brown sugar. 37
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