1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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pound of eringo root, and likewise of can- died orange-peel. Let the sweetmeats be cut in pieces very thin, and put with the spice into a bag, and hang it in the vessel when you stop it up. So let it stand till it is fine, then bottle it up, and drink it with lumps of double refined sugar in the glass. ELDER -FLOWER WINE Take the flowers of elder, and be careful that you don't let any stalks in ; to every quart of flowers put one gallon of water, and thi^ee pounds of loaf sugar. Boil the water and sugar a quarter of an hour, then pour it on the flowers and let it work three days; then strain the wine through a hair sieve, and put it into a cask. To every ten gallons of wine add one ounce of isinglass dissolved in cider, and six whole eggs. Close it up and let it stand six months, and then bottle it. TO MAKE ELDER WINE Take five pounds of Malaga raisins, rub them and shred them small; then take one gallon of water, boil it an hour, and let it stand till it is but blood-warm; then put it in an earthen crock or tub, with your rai- sins. Let them steep ten days, stirring them 53
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