1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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readiness ten pounds of raisins of the sun well picked and rubbed in a cloth, and hack them so as to cut them, but not too small; then put them in, the water being cold, and let them stand nine days, stirring them two or three times a day. Then have ready three pints of the juice of elderberries full ripe, which must be infused in boiling water, or baked three hours ; then strain out the raisins, and when the elder liquor is cold, mix that with it, but ib is best to boil up the juice to a syrup, one-half pound of sugar to every pint of juice. Boil and skim it, and when cold mix it with your raisin liquor, and two or three spoonfuls of good ale yeast. Stir it well together ; then put it into a vessel fit for it, let it stand in a warm place to work, and in your cellar five or six months. ELDER WINE, NO. 3 The quantity of fruit required is one gal- lon of ripe elderberries, and one quart of damsons or sloes, for every two gallons of wine to be produced. Boil them in water till the damsons burst, frequently breaking them with a flat stick; then strain and re- turn the liquor to the copper. The quan- tity of liquor required for nine gallons of 55
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