1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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days, stirring it twice or thrice a day. Add to every gallon of juice three pounds of loaf sugar. Fill the barrel, and when it is done working, add to every ten quarts of liquor one pint of brandy and a little isinglass. The gooseberries must be picked when they are just changing color. The liquor ought to stand in the barrel six months. Taste it occasionally, and bottle when the sweetness has gone off. GOOSEBERRY AND CURRANT WINE The following method of making superior gooseberry and currant wines is recom- mended in a French work. For currant wine four pounds of honey, dissolved in seven gallons of boiling water, to which, when clarified, is added the juice of four pounds of red or white currants. It is then fermented for twenty-four hours and one pound of sugar to every one gallon of water is added. The preparation is afterward clarified with whites of eggs and cream of tartar. For gooseberry wine, the fruit is gath- ered dry when about half-ripe, and then pounded in a mortar. The juice when prop- erly strained is mixed with sugar in the proportion of three pounds to every two 64
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