1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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setthng of the froth; then turn it into a keg or bottles, and keep it in a cool place.
JUNIPER-BERRY WINE Take four and one-half gallons of cold soft water, seven pounds Malaga or Smyrna raisins, two and one-quarter quarts juniper- berries, one-half ounce red tartar, one-half handful wormwood, one-half handful sweet marjoram, one pint whiskey or more. Fer- ment for ten or twelve days. KOUMISS, A TARTAR WINE Take a quantity of fresh mare's milk, add to it one-sixth part water, pour the mixture into a wooden bowl. Use as a ferment one- eighth part of skimmed milk; but at any future preparation, a small portion of old koumiss will answer better. Cover the vessel with a thick cloth and set in a moderately warm place for twenty-foiir hours, at the end of which time the milk will have become sour, and a thick substance gathered at the top. Now, with a churn-staff, beat it till the thick substance above mentioned be blended intimately with the adjacent fluid. Leave it to rest twenty-four hours more; after which pour it into a higher and nar- 70
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