1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
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pound honey, one-third ounce white tartar in fine powder, ten or fourteen peaches. Fer- ment; then add six quarts of brandy. The first division is to be put into a vat, and the day after, before the peaches are put in, take the stones from them, break these and the kernels, then put them and the pulp into a vat and proceed with the general process. PERRY OR PEAR CIDER Make this according to directions for apple cider. Among the caricatures of the day (just after Perry's victory on Lake Erie, 1813) was one representing John Bull, in the person of the King, seated, with his hand pressed upon his stomach, indicating pain, which the fresh juice of the pear, called perry, will produce. This caricature is en- titled " Queen Charlotte and Johnny Bull got their dose of Perry." PINEAPPLE RUM To three gallons rum, made by the fruit method, add two pineapples sliced, and one- half pound white sugar. Let it stand two weeks before drawing off. PLUM WINE Take five pounds of Malaga raisins, pick, rub, and shred them, and put them into a 85
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