1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright
Il^oine iHaftt Wiimn
twice a day, then pass it
through a Put the hquor into a close vessel, adding one pound more of loaf sugar; let it stand for a day and a night to settle, after which bottle it, adding a little more sugar. RASPBERRY WINE, NO. 3 Pound your fruit and strain it through a cloth; then boil as much water as juice of raspberries, and when it is cold put it to your squeezings. Let it stand together five hours, then strain it and mix it with the juice, adding to every gallon of this liquor two and one-half pounds of fine sugar. Let it stand in an earthen vessel close cov- ered a week, then put it in a vessel fit for it, and let it stand a month, or till it is fine bottle it off. RASPBERRY WINE, NO. 4 Take two gallons of raspberries, and put them in an earthen pot ; then take two gal- lons of water, boil it two hours, let it stand till it is blood-warm, put it to the raspber- ries, and stir them well together; let it stand twelve hours. Then strain it off, and to every gallon of liquor put three pounds of loaf sugar. Set it over a clear fire, and 94 sieve.
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