1922 Old Time Recipes Liquors Shrubs(4th edition) by Helen S Wright

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or any other flower having a


curious scent, may be made.


One gallon raisin wine, of honey, ten gallons of good-flavored rum. six pounds

TO MAKE SAGE WINE Boil five quarts of water one-quarter of an hour, and when it is blood-Avarm put five pounds of Malaga raisins, picked, rubbed, and shred, into it with almost three and one- quarter quarts of red sage shred, and a well together and let it stand in a tub covered warm six .or seven days ; then strain it off and put in a runlet. Let it work three or four days, and then stop it up. When it has stood six or seven days put in a quart or two of Malaga sherry, and when it is fine, bottle it. SAGE WINE ANOTHER WAY Take six pounds of Malaga raisins picked clean and shred small, and one peck of green sage shr'ed small ; then boil one gallon of water. Let the water stand till it is luke- warm, then put it in a tub to your sage and raisins ; let it stand five or six days, stir- 98 little of ale yeast. Stir all

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