1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

1. Absinthe Cocktail. j Absinthe, J Gin, J Syrup of Anisette or Syrup of Gomme, add one dash Orange, ' one dash Angostura. Shake until frozen, and strain into cocktail glass. 2. Absinthe Frappe. f Absinthe, J Syrup of Anisette, double quantity of water. Shake up long enough until the outside of the shaker is thoroughly covered with ice. Strain into small tumbler. 3. Adonis Cocktail. I dash Orange Bitters, i Sherry, f Italian Vermouth. 4. American Beauty. This is a long drink, use tumbler, i teaspoon- ful of Creme de Menthe. Fill with ice. Then in another glass mix the following : i Orange juice J Grenadine, J French Vermouth, J Cognac. Pour in first glass. Dash the top with Port Wine, dress with fruits and a sprig of fresh mint, and serve with a straw. 5. Apple Jack Cocktail. 5 Apple Jack, i Grenadine, J Lemon Juice.

6. Alaska Cocktail.

Yellow Chartreuse, J Gin (Gordon).

7. Astoria Cocktail. I dash Orange Bitters, ยง Gin, J French Vermouth. Serve with stuffed Olive. 15

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