1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

168. New Orleans Gin Fizz. I white of Egg, I teaspoonful of Sugar, 2 dashes of Fleur d'Oranger, i glass of Gin, Juice of i Lemon, J the shaker of cracked Ice, lastly J wineglass of Fresh Cream. Shake about two minutes, then strain into tumbler and fill balance with syphon. (One of the most popular drinks mixed in the Southern States of America.) 169. Night-Cap. I yolk of a Fresh Egg, J Anisette, ^ -Curafao (Orange),-J Brandy. Shake well and strain into a small wineglass. (Recipe F. Newman, Paris.) 170. Nineteen-Twenty Cocktail. I dash of Ansinthe, ^ Pernod Kirschwasser, J Crystal Gin, ยง French Vermouth, i teaspoonful of Groiselle Syrup. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. 171. Nineteen-Twenty Pick-me-up. J Gin, f Pernod Absinthe, i dash Angostura, i dash Orange Bitters, i dash Gomme Syrup. Shake well, and strain into medium sized wine glass, and fill balance with Soda.


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