1923 Harry of Ciro's ABC of mixing cocktails (second impression)

238. Stinger. J White Cr6me de Menthe, J Brandy. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. 239. Sherry Cocktail. I dash Peach Bitters, i dash Orange Bitters, I dash French Vermouth, i glass Pale Dry Sherry. Shake well and strain. 240. Soul Kiss. i Orange Juice, J Dubonnet, J French Ver mouth, J Rye Whisky, i slice of Orange. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. 241. Snowball Cocktail. J Crdme de Violette, J White Crfeme de Menthe, J Anisette, J Fresh Cream, ^ Gin. Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. 242. Some Moth Cocktail. f Gordon Gin, ^ Noilly Pratt French Vermouth, I dash of Absinthe. Shake well, and strain into cocktail glass. Add two pickled silver onions. 243. So So Cocktail. i Grenadine, J Calvados, J Cinzano Vermouth, i Gin. {Invented by Mr. P. Soso, the popular manager of Giro's Club, London.) 244. Sunshine Cocktail. I teaspoonful of Sugar, or Gomme Syrup, Juice of J Lenion, add J Etournard's Brandy, f Kinloch's " Liquid Sunshine " Rum. Shake well and strain. 6?

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