1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

Eat, Drin\and Be Merry! SOCIETY—there's luck! These cocktails are your own. Consequently they are of the best. In the group you will recognize many of your friends' old favorites and many new and Dtdmulati.ng concoc tions. The book has grown out of yoirr need for just such an aid to entertainment. The editor of About Town started it with a single cocktail recipe in the Christmas number. And what a "wow" was in that cocktail! Immediately there came requests for more cocktails which led to questions regard ing drinks and midnight supper dishes. So the editor gathered her wits and requests together and broad cast for help. Friends and readers of About Town came to the rescue, favorite recipes poured in, were shaken into type, were well mixed and are yours in this container. It's up to you to get the kick! Joe Pitchett, bar steward of the Vancouver Club, whose reputation as a mixer of drinks is nation wide, has not only been kind enough to check every single recipe for us but has added many of his own special and excellent cocktails. For which we are truly thankful, and so you will be when you taste them. We are also very grateful to Antoine Bernhart, chef of the Hotel Vancouver,for his generous assist ance and his many delicious midnight supper con tributions.

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