1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

about town cocKtail booK


1 bottle Brandy % bottle Apricot Brandy

2 bottles Sherry 1 bottle Sauterne

The juice of six Oranges The juice of one Lemon The juice of two Grapefruit 2 slices of Cucumber rind to float 1 sprig of'fresh Mint to flavor

Sweeten to taste with Bardent, serve very cold with sliced orange and grapefruit floating on top. This will make about 7 quarts. (Note: Canned apricot juice will serve instead of Bardent).


% tablespoonful Sugar 1 rind Lemon 3 slices Lemon 3 slices Orange Berries 1 slice Cucumber peel 1 pony Brandy

1 pony Maraschino 1 pony White Curacao 1 wineglass Sherry 1 quart Champagne 1 bottle Soda 2 or 3 large lumps of Ice Ornament with fresh fruit

CLARET CUP 1 tablespoon powdered Sugar Fill glass with shaved Ice Pour full o(f Claret Shake in shaker. Ornament with fruit and serve with straws.


1 tablespoon powdered Sugar 2 dashes Lemon Juice Pill glass with shaved Ice Pill with Claret Shake well. Ornament with fruit, serve with straws.

Let 'Em Alone TOASTMASTER (to next speaker)—Shall I call on you now,Bill, or shall I let them enjoy themselves a while?


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