1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

about town cocKtail booK I


ABSINTHE The art of mixing' absinthe is almost gone. So is absinthe, you say, but we have discovered a friend in need who has given us a substitute for absinthe which is easy to make. It has all the delicacy of flavor and none of the injurious effects. Aniset Take one quarter pound of Aniseed and steep it in boiling water until the strength is all out. Then boil it a few minutes, adding bar sugar and keeping it stirred until it forms a thick syrup. This will make a quart bottle and the longer you keep it the better it will be. This Aniset will give the pungent tang to a cocktail that is so often missing in these Absintheless days.


Lump of ice 1 teaspoonful pineapple syrup

1 teaspoonful lemon juice 2/3 jiggers Rye whiskey 3 jiggers Tokay Fill up with Seltzer


AND HOW! %tumbler of Port Wine 1 dozen dashes of Jamaica ginger Pill up with brandy,stir gently (very gently—it might go off!) and serve with,a little nutmeg on top.


1 Ponj' Absinthe 1 Jigger water mixed in slowly HP

2 dashes Angostura Bitters 1 teaspoonful Benedictine Pill with ice and shake very thoroughly and strain into a claret glass.


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