1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

j about town cocKtail booK \

Canapes and Sandwiches

STAR CANAPE CUT thin bread in diamond shapes, toast and butter on one side and cover with thin slices of an avocado dipped in chutney sauce. Garnish the centre with ripe olives or piece of fruit and arrange on salver to form a star. CAVIAR CANAPES MUSjtogether 1 tablespoonful of oil, 2 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, 2 tablespoonfuls of caviar, salt and pepper. Spread mixture on lightly buttered thin hot toast and garnish each piece with a slice of hard boiled egg.


*HOP Digby chicks and a little onion very fine. Moisten into a / paste and spread on rounds of bread.

PARSLEY!AND ONION SANDWICHES ^ARSLEY and green onions chopped fine, mixed with mayon naise and seasoned with salt and pepper.

ANCHOVY SANDWICHES Rub yokes of hard boiled eggs to paste. Moisten with lemon juice and season with Anchovy sauce. Spread on thin slices of but tered bread and cut to shape.

BACON SANDWICHES CUT white or brown bread in oblong strips. Spread with butter and cream cheese, add slices of bacon to cover top and bake in slow oven until bacon crisp. Serve! hot. Drop of ketchup on each should be addedi just before eating.


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