1925 About Town Cocktail Book by Joe Fitchett

about town cocKtail booK|

Caprice Heart of lettuce, alternate sections of orange and tomato. Cubaine Tomato, green and s\y,^t peppers, cut in dice, slice of Spanish onion, sliced olives, filet of^^^ovies, French dressing. Carmelite Beets, potatoes, onions, anchovies, hard eggs diced, French dressing. Diplomatte Heart of lettuce, pineapples, apples and celery in julienne, chopped walnuts. Frou Frou Chicory, escarole, celery, beets, trdffles and whites of eggs, all in julienne, chervil. Fin de Siecle Endive, beets, asparagus tips, artichokes, celery, green peas, French dressing. Dumas Beets, tomatoes, cucumbers diced, decorated with anchovies, hard eggs, fine herbs, mayonnaise. Kuroki Heart of romaine, orange, grapefruit and apples, decorate with red peppers. Mai^ie-Louise Banana, celery, apples, truffles in julienne, mayonnaise with cream. Pommes d'Eve Apples hollowed out, make a macedoine of asparagus tips, French string beans, green peas, red and green peppers, mayon naise, sprinkle with chopped truffles. , Saratoga Heart of romaine, slices df grapefruit and bananas, cherries in half, diced green peppers. Zephir Heart of endive, orange, grapefruit, julienne of pickled wal nuts, cream mayonnaise with paprika.


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