1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair


KINGSTON COCKTAIL This cocktail owes its unique flavour to the Pimento Dram and Kummel, without which it becomes just an ordinary cocktail. Put three glasses of Jamaica rum,one and a half glasses of Kummel and one and a half of strained orange juice into a shaker with a dash ofPxmento Dram. Add broken ice, shake well and serve while frothy. RUM COCKTAIL (Four People) Put in a shaker two glasses of Jamaica rum,a glass of sweet fruitjuice,and a glass of Cointreau and lime juice in equal proportions. It is better to use the juice of fresh limes when possible,but if you cannot get them use unsweetened lime juice. Add a pinch of aromatic pepper (this is an important ingredient), fill up with ice, and serve as usual. RUM COCKTAIL. II Two and a half glasses of Jamaica rum,one and a halfof Vermouth and two and a halfofsweet orange juice. Putthis in the shaker with a pinch of powdered cinnamon. 21

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