1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair


KIRSGH COCKTAIL Three glasses of Kirsch and three of orange juice, add, before shaking, a few drops of Angostura Bitters and one clove. HATCHETT'S SPECIAL Put two glasses of Rye Whisky,two glasses of brandy and two of Dubonnet into a shaker, add two dashes of Creme de Parfait Amour and two dashes of absinthe. Fill up with broken ice and shake thoroughly. This cocktail should be served with a cherry. The recipe is from Hatchett's Bar, NIELKA Put three glasses of Vodka into the shaker with two glasses of orange juice and one of French Vermouth, This is meant to be a very dry cocktail, but sugar may be added if desired.


One dash of Angostura bitters, two teaspoon- fuls ofsugar syrup,one glass ofAbsinthe. Shake very well. This recipe isfrom the Embassy Club. 2J


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