1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair


Drinks—Long and Short

shaker half full of shaved ice and pour in two glasses and a half of Noilly Prat Vermouth, and two glasses of sloe gin. Shake and serve. DIXIE Four lumps of sugar dissolved, one teaspoon- ful Angostura Bitters, one of lemon juice, four glasses of whisky, one teaspbonful of Curacao, two teaspoonfuls of Creme de Menthe. Ice and shake well. SUNSET COCKTAIL Put in a large glass a good strip of thinly pared orange or tangerine peel (the latter is better), a teaspoonful of peach jam, two small apricots or one large one cut into small pieces and the stone or stones crushed. Pour over this one full glass of brandy and a teaspoonful of Ktrsch. Let soak for two hours. Pour all into the shaker. Add one glass and a half of white wine, one glass and a half of gin, and one glass of Noilly Prat Vermouth. Ice and shake. BLACK MAMMY To the juice of one grapefruit and one lemon add a strip of thin orange peel and a strip of thin lemon peel, one heaping teaspoonful of sugar, two cloves, three glasses of Santa Cruz rum and one glass of brandy. Ice well and shake.

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