1925 Drinks Long & Short by Nina Toye and A H Adair

4° Drinks—Long and Short of raspberry syrup, two of Maraschino, three of gin, two quart bottles of sparkling Moselle, one large pineapple, or two small ones, torn with a silver fork into shreds. Stir and dress with fruit. MINT JULEP One teaspoonful ofcrushed mint tips and half a teaspoonful of powdered sugar for each glass. Crush the mint and sugar together in a basin or jug. Fill the glasses or other receptacle with finely cracked or shaved ice. Put in a port glass of rye or Bourbon whisky (Irish whisky may be substituted) for each person. Stick sprigs of mint round the tops of the glasses or jug, and lay on a thin slice of lemon and a strawberry for each person; let stand until frosted. Serve with straws. ANOTHER RECIPE FOR MINT JULEP Dissolve a tablespoonful of sugar in twice that quantity of water,add four sprigs ofmint and let them soak until you have extracted all the flavour. Strain this juice into a large and wide-topped glass, add half a tumblerful of whisky, a dash of rum or gin, and fill up with crjushed ice. You may decorate the top with a few cherries and one or two sprigs of fresh mint, or, indeed, with any fruit such as pineapple, tangerine and the like. Serve the drink with two straws.

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