1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Summer Drinks
Blackberry ade Put into a large tumble r a quarter of a glass of fresh blackberry juice, add t o it a t easpoonful of lemon juice and a t ablespoonful of sugar, or sugar to swee t en. Fill up t o t wo thi rds with shaved ice. Put into a shaker and skake well . Pour out and fill up with iced water or soda water. GINGER ALES Ginger Ale Boil a ga llon of wa t er and four pounds of loaf sugar for fi ve minutes . Put into an ea rthemn.re bmvl one ounce of tartaric acid. P our the h ot liquid syrup over it, and when cool add one ounce of tincture of ginger, one ounce of burnt '.s ugar, and a quarter of an ounce of cayenne pepper.
Stone Ginger B eer Boil for twenty minut es in a large pan one ounce of hops, three pounds of sugar, two ounces of whole ginger, and four gallons of cold water. II
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