1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Summer Drinks
Coffee Nectar Strain off a pint of hot coffee, and add to ~-t a pint of milk, two t ablespoonfuls o f h ot cntkc-, two ounces of sugar, h alf a gill of cream, anJ sti r till cold. Put on ice, and add two bottles of soda w;i t e r.
~~~ Flips
In order to obtain the necessary smoothness which is one of the chief characteri sti cs of Rips o f all kinds, it is essential that the eggs should be ve ry well beaten and the mixture passed r ep eat edly from one vessel to another.
Lemon Flip Beat up an egg in a tumbler, sweeten it \Yith a ta_blespoonful of icing sugar. Pour boiling wate r on it, flavour it with essence of lemon , and pour it from one glass into another.
Port Flip Put into a tumbler an egg, a teaspoonful of icing sugar, and a wineglassful of port ; add some shaved ice. 30
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