1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

and apply it t o the thumb. When on sepa rating the forefin ge r and thumb immediately, the sugar is drawn out int o a fin e t hread \\·hi ch will break at a short di sta nce, the sugar is boiled to the Small Thr ead. T HE L AR G E TllRE..\D II After boiling a li tt le longe r, proc eed as before, and if the threa d is dram1 a littl e longe r the stage of the L arge Thread is rc:i ched . Ill After bo iling a few moment s longer, proceed as befor e, and if the t h re ad reaches \\·ithout breaking the st age of the Li ttle Pea rl is rea ched. I V Boil the suga r a very li t tl e more, and proceed as before, but if the fin ge r and t humb can be spread as far as possi ble \vithout breaki ng t he thread the boiling h as reach ed the L arge Pea rl, and the syrup is suffi ciently cooked. T II E LITTLE P E..\RL T H E L A RG E P EARL

Syrup of A cacia Place in a bowl alternat ely layers of fresh acacia flowers and suga r, allowing t wo ounces of flowers to every three-quart ers of a pound of sugar. 35

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