1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks

Leave it in a dark place for six h ours, and then pour over it a pint of boiling wat er, and lea ve it again in the dark for twenty-four h ours. Dissolve a quarter of a pound of suga r in a pint of water, and put it on one side. StrJin the flowers without pressure, and mix th e flm\·er syrup with the other boiling syrup. Filter it, and when cool bottle it. Syrup of Almonds Boil slowly six ounces of ground S\veet almond· and two ounces of ground bitt er almond s in :1 quart of water for an hour. Then add one pound of loaf sugar, and \Yhen dissolved strain; when cold, add a tablespoonful of orange flower water. Bottle. A wineglassful in a tumbler of soda \\·:1 tcr makes what is known as almond water. Syrup of Aprico ts Stone six pounds of apri cots, and add to them the kernels. Boil them in three pint s of ·wat er and strain them. !? the juice add half the quan t ity of sugar, and boil it till thick or until it p ea rls. Cool, and bottle. 36

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