1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Summer Drinks
Another Syrup of R ed Curran ts Put into a basin t wo pounds of red cu r r:rn t s and a handful of raspberries. Squ eeze the ju ice and add to it, when strained, half a po und of icing sugar to each pint of jui ce, and thr ce – quarters of an ounce of t artar ic ac id. When the sugar is dissolved, boil it fo r :i. f cw minutes, and wh en cool bottle it. ~~~ Syrup of Ginger Boil four pounds of loaf sugar with six qu a rts of boiling water for three minutes, then t ake it off the fire, and when cool add three -qu :i. rt ers of an ounce of tart aric acid diss olved in :i. li tt le water, three drachms of essen ce of ginge r, :i. nd
three drachms of tincture of cayenne. Colour with burnt suga r, and bottl e. ).~!!( Syrup of Lemons
Extract the iuice from three lemons, and g rat e into it the rind, then put it int o a saucepan with one and a half pounds of white sugar, and boil it for five minutes. Strain, and bottle. If used to make an effervescing lemon drink, two or three tablespoonfuls should be put in a gb ss of water, and half a teaspoonful of bi carbonat e of soda should be added. 38
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