1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinlcs To one pint of syrup put one and a half pounds of loaf sugar, and ffhen dissolved bottle it and keep it in a cool place. Do not cork it just at first. T o make a jelly from this syrup an ounce of gelatine or isinglass should be di ssolved in a pint of water, and when cold a pint of the syrup should be added to it. This will make a quart. Syrup of Rhubarb Put five pounds of fr esh rhubarb cut up into a bowl, and pour over it one quart of cold water ; add one and a half ounces of t ar taric ::icid. L eave it for t wenty- four hours, then strai n it without pressure, and to eve ry pint of juice add one and a quarter pounds of lump suga r, stirring till dissolved ; then bottle and seal. A Recipe for 711al:i11g any Fruit Syrup, giving the proportions Ext ract the juice from the fruit, and to every pint add half a pound of sugar and half a pint of water. Boil suga r and water togethe r for fi ve minutes, add the fruit jui ce, and let it simmer gen t ly for three-quarters of an hour, removing the scum. When cold, bot tle and seal. 4r

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