1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

Summer Drinks This will not be so strong in Aavour or acid as the following, but it will have a very delicate colour.

V ishna Sh itritbi . Morello Cherry Syrup

Squeeze as many pounds of Mor ello cherri es as are wanted, and pass the juice th rough a cloth into a basin. L eave it for twenty-four hours, then strain it into another basin. Put the juice into a pan with double the quantity of whit e sifted sugar, stirring it until it bubbles right up. P ass through a sieve, :ind when cold, bottle. This recipe can be followed for r ed, \\·hit c, and black currants, oranges and pomegranat es .

Limon Shuri'tbi Lemon Shrub

Put three pounds of powered sugar in a pan with the white of an egg well beat en u p, and two pints of water. Stir well, an d when i t boils skim it and stir till thi ck ; then add three– quarters of a pint of lemon juice. Let it boil for another half minut e, then remove, and, when cold, bottle. 44

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