1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel




Though the old- fash ioned wines of our grand– mothers may sound very t ame afte r such drinks as " Thunderbolt Cocktails ", ' ' Corpse Revivers ", "Lightning Smashers" and "1\1a idens' Prayers" , they can be excellent if carefully prepared and kept long enough t o mature, especially the Black Currant \Vine, which is not unlike the French Cassis which nea rly every country cottage in France can produce if asked for. M alt Ale Cut up two ounces of whole ginger; put into an earthenware bowl and pour on it six gallons of cold wa t er. Then add three and a h alf gallons of malt and two ounces of hops. Boil for n ea rly two hours. Then put five pounds of sugar candy into a brewing barrel, and strain the liquid over it into the barrel. 61

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