1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
Winter Cordials
Make a thin syrup of broffn sug .ir .ind \\·.it er. allowing three pounds of sug.i r t ? 11\- <..' g;i llons ?f water, and boil it for thirty m111u tt..- s. Pou r it over the fruit, and spread t wo p ieces of t o:i st \\·ith yeast and put these in at on ce . . . Leave it for several days , th e n st r.i 1n it :rn cl put into a cask. L eave it till fc rm t..' nl :t ti nn is over, and then add a qu a rt e r o f a p ound oi sugar candy, and stop up the c:i sk. . Leave it like this for a m on tl i. Then r:ick it off, filter the lees and put it bac k in lh c ci ~ k . h ' Wlt half an ounce of di ssolved ising h ss a ih l one ounce of bitter almonds. Stop it up and leave it fo r t \\·clve months or more. Then bottle it and kee p it fo r a no t h e r y c: tr . . A pint of good brandy add ed \\· h en t h e \\· inc Is put into the cask the first time imp roV<..·s it :inJ helps to preserve it. Birch JVine To every gallon of birch wa t e r p u t t\\·o pound s of good sugar, and let it boil for half an lw u r. ~ake_ off the scum befor e putting in th e sug:ir, which IS added five minutes befo re t:ikin<> it off the fire. 0 Then pass through a hair sieve in to :i cask, .i nd when cold strain it, put in some yea s l (:i q ua rt for twelve gallons), and leave it for t wenty - fo ur h o urs. 64
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