1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel
TV inter Cordials
to ferment, stirring the mi xture t wice a d ay fo r a month. Then strain, squeezing well, and p u t in t o a barrel, fillin g it enti rely. If there is any sound of hi ssing , th e bu ng hole should be kept open fo r anot her fo rt ni g h t or until ferment ati on has en t irely ceased . Then bung up the hole and if 1he qu ant ity is large the wine must not be bot t led for a year . A little suga r and wat er can be add ed from time t o time before the hole is bunged u p . Cut up six pounds of rhu ba rb, po ur ove r it a gallon of wat er and leave it covered up fo r ni ne days, stirring it twice a day . Then strain t h e liquor, and t o every ga llon of jui ce add four pounds of suga r and the rind o f on e an d the juice of two lemons to each gallon . L eave it for two days , then pu t in to a ca sk, but leave the bung hole open . In six t o ei g ht weeks' time, when fermentat ion is ove r, add a packet of isinglass and bun g u p t igh t ly . If the wine is made in August it shou Id lw ready t o bottle in June. Aft er bottling, let the bottl es st and up fo r a month, then lay them down , t es t in g fi rst of all \-vi i-11 a few bottles if thev are all ri ght if laid down . 76 Rhubarb JV £11e (To be made in August )
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