1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel




Prairie Oy ster This drink, or "pick-me-u p," \\·as in \ cn tcLl by a man who was st randed with t \\"O fr ien ds on T exas prairie. One of them wa s dy ing and prayed for oysters t o save hi s life. The fri c'nd prepared this mixture, whi ch saved hi s life. Put into a wineglass h alf a t eas poon ful of vinegar, and on this place carefully the yo lk of :lll egg; add a pinch of salt and a du st of p epper. Barley Water Put the thin rind of two lemon s into t\\"O quart s of water, with eight lumps o f sugar, :rnd let it boil for ten minut es. Mix two dessertspoonfuls of Robi nson 's p:i t c'nt barley t o a paste with a little cold water, then ac'. d it to the other, stirring all the time, an d , still stirring, let it boil for another five minut es . 80

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