1925 Summer Drinks and Winter Codials by C F Leyel

TV inter Cordials

French Plum Drin k To every quart of boiling wa ter put twe lve French plums, and let them boil fo r t went y minutes. Leave the liquor with the plums in it coycred up till cold, and then add t wo or three t::t ble– spoonfuls of icing sugar. Strain, and add a glas s of port wine t o each quart . It can be used at once or bottled. Fig and Apple Dr in l: Put into a skillet t welve dri ed figs whi ch h ave been split open, and a sliced but unpeeled a pplc and half a pound of loaf sugar. Add t wo qu ar t s of water. Put on the fire, bring to the boil , and boil for

two minutes. Strain, and cove r till cold. This is a very refreshing summer drink.

Raisin Tea Cut up half a pound of raisins, and st ew them with a quart of wat er and the rind of a lemon fo r several hours, or until the liqu or is redu ced t o h alf. Strain, and add the juice of a lemon, and se rve either hot or cold . 84

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