1926 The Cocktail Book (new and revised edition 3rd imp)

flDiscellaneous flDiieb Drinfta, Those starred (*) are after-dinner liqueurs. Absinthe Frappe. Use Mixing Glass* ©NE pony absinthe. Fill glass with fine ice, shake well, and stram into a cocktail glass. Bloc Blazes. Use Two Hol-walcr Glasses. jNE lump sugar; one portion Scotch FiU glass with hot water, ignite, and^uHssjnr one glass, th another. Add a little,,grated nufiftre


Brandy Flw seMixin^.-Glass.


sugar; one wine glass 'brandy; one fresh egg. Fill glass half full of fiine shaved ice. Shake well in shaker. Strain into star champagne glass, and grate a little nutmeg on top.



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