1927 Barflies and Cocktails

Here's to you, my dear, and co the dear who's not here, my dear ; but if the dear who' s not here. my dear, were here, my dear, I'd not be drinking co you, dear, that' s clear.

Here's to a long life and a merry one, ·A quick death and a happy one,

A good girl and a prerry one, A cold boccie ~nd another one.

Here' s to the lawyer, a learned gentleman, who rescues your estate from your enemies and keeps it hi11Jself.

Wine is good.

Love is better, False morals spin a spider's fetter. So fill up the bowl, Be a jolly old soul, And you'll be loved by your girl when you gee her.

, Oh, fill the wine-cup high, The sparkling .liquor pour, For we will ca re and grief defy,


They ne'er shall plague us more.

Say, why did Time bis glass sublime Fill up with sand unsightly Wl;ien wine, be knew, runs brisker thr"'ougb, And sparkles far more brigbrly ? Laugh at all . things, Great and small things, Sick or well, on sea or shore, While we are quaffing Lee's have some laughing. Who the devil cares for more ?

While we live lec'. s live in clover, For when we' re dead we' re dead all over.


Let her roll.

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